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Professional and Workforce Development Center

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Registration Information

不像寻求学位,获得学分的项目,专业和劳动力发展 课程是非学分的,不需要高中文凭 (可能有年龄要求),也不是365bet的入学申请.  You 但是,是否需要在上课前通过中心注册.  可用的注册方法取决于课程的类型.  Early registration is strongly encouraged as most courses fill quickly.  Registration is complete and 班级安置是安全的,只有当付款收到.  Many classes have limited 报名和填写以先到先得的方式进行.  

Age Requirements

我们的课程是专门为成人学习者设计和开发的. 除了一些例外,所有班级的最低年龄为18岁.  Occasional 15岁或以上的学生要求陪同上课的情况除外 by a registered parent.  For details, call 931-221-7816.

365bet Faculty and Staff Discount

365bet faculty and staff qualify for a discount on some courses.  符合条件的课程注明“提前注册折扣” applies.“无论注册日期如何,教职员工都将获得折扣.  如欲了解更多特定课程的折扣价格和/或注册信息,请 please contact us at 931-221-7816.  In order to receive the discount online, you need 选择365bet教职员工作为您的从属关系,并在创建您的 account at http://signmeup.vipratrust.com.  If you already have an account, login at http://signmeup.vipratrust.com,选择“我的帐户”,选择“个人资料”,并更新您与365bet教职员工的关系 and enter your A#.  当您向购物车中添加一个类时,您可以选择 选择常规课程费用或365bet教职员工课程费用.  If you have any 如有问题,请取消注册并与办公室联系 pro-work-center@vipratrust.com  or call 931-221-7816.

Cancellations and Course Changes

365bet保留取消专业和劳动力发展课程的权利.  Students will be notified by email and phone.  Therefore, when you register, please 包括一个有效的电子邮件和电话号码,在那里可以留下信息.  Students 是否可以选择全额退款或将已支付的费用申请到其他课程.  如果转移付款,新课程必须在时间框架内满足 current catalog.  如果收到退款,必须用信用卡或借记卡付款 be refunded to that card.  以支票、汇票或现金支付的款项将被退还 by check.

365bet保留对课程进行适当更改的权利,包括教室位置, instructor, dates, and times.  Students will be notified via email of any changes that may affect their ability to attend a course. 


The Continuing Education Unit (C.E.U.) should be used as the basic means for recognizing 个人参与并记录机构提供的, non-credit classes, courses, and programs. completion of most non-credit activities. C.E.U. 被定义为参加一个有组织的持续 有在负责任的赞助下的教育(成人或扩展)经验,有能力的指导; and qualified instruction. 为TN DOE教师再认证,专业发展 积分定义为每小时1个PDF(3个CEU的课程相当于30个PDF) PDFs, etc.).

Refund Policy

如果课程被中心取消,学生将获得全额退款 or a transfer* to a future course.  Students may also request a refund or transfer*.  Requests may be made by phone, fax, mail, or in person.  Students should receive approved refunds within 15 business days.  The outcome of a refund request is dependent on the date submitted:

Packaged Deals and Special Offers

When purchasing a packaged deal or special offer (i.e. buy one, get one), students 一次购买多门课程可享受优惠价格.  If one or more of 如课程被中心取消,剩余课程的费用将重新计算 ,学生将获得相应的退款或转学*.  如果学生选择取消一门或多门课程,他们将不再符合资格 for the reduced rate.  任何退款或转帐*(如果符合条件,基于 在如上所述的时间轴上,计算为学生支付的金额减去全额 price for any courses attended or planning to attend.  


ed2go提供的在线职业培训课程不符合退款条件 any time.  该项目将与学生一起解决他们可能遇到的任何障碍 这样他们就可以留在项目中并取得成功. 


Refund Methods

用信用卡或借记卡支付的款项必须退还到该卡.  Payments made 通过支票,汇票或现金将以支票退款.

*资金的持有期限不超过一年,并可用于支付任何费用 other course offered by Continuing Education. Funds that are unused in one year will be forfeited.


专业和劳动力发展课程遵循 holiday schedule as provided by Human Resources.  Classes will not be held on those dates.

Inclement Weather

奥斯汀皮伊州立大学的专业和劳动力发展中心紧随其后 policy on inclement weather.  简而言之,如果365bet主校区也是如此,我们的课程就会被取消或延迟.  Closing information can be found online at 7bz8.vipratrust.com or by calling (931) 221-7816.  课程将重新安排,以弥补错过的课程 due to inclement weather. 

Parking and Access for People with Disabilities

学生可以在红色和绿色停车场停车.  For classes held during business hours (Mon - Fri, 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.), students will be issued a parking 在上课期间使用的通行证,允许在红色和绿色停车 lots on campus. 下午4:30以后上课或周末上课的学生将不需要停车 pass; however, they are required to park in red or green lots only.  For information on where lots are located, view the campus parking map.  Parking in handicap spaces is by permit only.  No parking in parking areas marked for residents only.

请致电(931)221-7816与专业和劳动力发展中心联系 or pro-work-center@vipratrust.com  如果您对教室或课程的无障碍有特殊需求.